Friday, June 27, 2008

Time to make like an Earl and fly!

The time has finally come. After all the months planning it, talking about it, training for it, it's here. Le grand depart begins on Saturday morning and all of a sudden Rome seems a very long way away. Still nothing but sunshine, good food, better wine and the odd ache and pain to look forward to. Sure what else would we be doing?

Not to sure what Hugh O'Neill and the rest of the earls would have made of it all. Carbon fibre forks? Power bars? Chamois cream? Hotels? - far from all of that he was reared. I don't think that he could ever have imagined that 400 years after his epic journey through Europe a group of fool-hardy (or is it Hardy, you fool?) cyclists would follow in his footsteps. So here goes and minus the beards, shields and spears we're set.

Thanks for taking the time to have a look and donate some money. Keep an eye on the blog for updates.

Here's to Hugh.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope the adventure has got off to a good start. Hope it doesn't take as long for you guys to cross the valley of the Somme as it did for those Brits et al almost 100 years ago. Suppose the legs are protesting a little just now. My guess is that you must be heading for Amiens now (the city, not the train station) although you may well wish it was the latter and not the former you were headed towards at the moment. Remember if cycling becomes a pain in the hole put the saddle back on.(No need to be like the sexually frustrated nun!)